Thursday, June 12, 2014

Let's talk about technology....
It's everywhere, all around us everyday,all day. When I was in my teens the latest greatest thing was pagers or "beepers".
Now people don't know how to live without there smartphone, so they can tweet,blog, or share on Facebook,Pinterest,Tumbler or Myspace.
We have children sitting less then ten feet from each other texting each other instead of speaking.
Relatives don't speak to each other they e-mail or text or facebook.

You seem them on the street all the time, Walking with their heads down staring at their phones texting as the walk. They are oblivious to their surroundings. We as a society have become slaves to the electronic era.

We share our location,our relationships, our meals and our every thought with the world without even a thought about who will end up seeing it.
You think this info only goes to your friends list but what about their friends list? What about hackers? It is so easy to "hack" a Facebook page that my 11yo daughter can do it!

Speaking of technology and children...
More and more children are being diagnosed with anxiety, ADHD, and ADD these days than I can count. I theorize that the cause of this is technology.
Children spend entirely too much time on the internet, in front of television, or playing video games and not enough time playing outside.
They are desensitized at an early age to things like sex, violence and governmental censorship.
Then we dope them up on Ritalin and Adderall turning them in to zombies or worse, they become homicidal or suicidal.
Childhood obesity is rampant.

The more technologically advanced we become the more we become dependent upon it, and that furthers our enslavement.
We need to unplug, put the cell phone down, get off of the internet.
You will survive without it I promise! Get outside with your children.
Go for a walk and talk to them.....
Just my $0.02

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl hero or traitor?

Sgt. Bergdahl, Everyone seems to have an opinion about him and his ordeal.
Well here is my $0.02.....I DON'T CARE!
I don't give a shit if he was a deserter or a genuine POW, It is simple "No one gets left behind!"
If he is a deserter, than Court Martial him under the UCMJ and sentence him.
If he was captured and held as a POW than we deal with that.

Here is my issues 1) Our POTUS seems to think he is above the law and can do what ever he wants, whenever he wants.
And 2) Sgt.Bergdahl has been "captive" for 5yrs and barely speaks english.
We have NO idea what kind of brainwashing or programming this man endured for those 5yrs. We have no idea what kind of threat he poses to the USA. For that matter how about the 5 terrorists that we traded for him, How long till they seek revenge for the unscheduled vacation they received courtesy of the US government?

The fact remains, Bowe is a US soldier and is innocent until proven guilty,
And we don't leave soldiers behind!
Let's not convict the man before we know the facts, Even his comments in the alleged emails could have been taken out of context, We do not know.
Just a little sick of hearing from armchair warriors and street lawyers about what they would do, or would have done.
End Rant. Comments? Criticism? rude remarks?

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day

I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU to all those who have and are serving our country.
This memorial day please remember that it is not a day for cookouts, But a day of remembrance.
Men and Women have and are dying in service to our country.
I hope you will "join" me in saluting their service and sacrifice.
ARMY,NAVY,MARINES,AIR FORCE Past,Present and Future.I salute you!
You are all my heros!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Connecticut Gun Control

I am sick and tired of hearing all this BS about gun control and safety !
Let's call it what it is, an attempt to disarm the peasants!
If it were really about child safety and crime prevention, We would have legislators and "experts" on TV everyday telling us how they plan to take the guns away from the criminals.
But we don't, No one has EVER come forward with even one idea as to disarming the hundreds if not thousands (just in CT) of felons,gang bangers,rapists,dealers, and generally just evil types... Nope instead they are coming up with new ways to try and remove firearms from LAW ABIDING CITIZENS!
They are limiting and outlawing the firearms I can own, trying to make it illegal for ME to buy certain guns and ammo, But nobody seems to care that the "bad guys" are still armed, still not following the law, and still committing the same crimes as before.Now they can do it with less fear of reprisal because the "good guys" are being stripped of the means to defend against them.

I have heard the arguments from both sides, and while I agree with some of the claims from the "anti-gun" crowd, I still haven't heard of a viable solution.
Yes I agree SOMETHING has to be done to ensure that we don't have another Columbine or Newtown, But taking away my rights isn't going to stop a mentally deranged person from going on a killing spree.All it will do is create more VICTIMS!
I have owned and carried firearms for over 20yrs and have NEVER killed anyone! I have never gone on a shooting spree, I have never endangered anyone,threatened anyone..Nothing. (And I even own one of those scary black rifles)
Firearms DO NOT make you a killer! Spoons DO NOT make you fat, and Pencils DO NOT make you misspell words. They are objects, nothing more nothing less. PEOPLE make these actions happen! People are the problem, not the object.
Are more guns the answer? NO! We definitely need to control who has access to firearms. I agree totally with background checks, I also agree that the mental health community and law enforcement should be sharing info that could save lives AS LONG AS IT ISN'T ABUSED!!!!
However as long as a person has passed the criminal background check, he or she should be allowed to own ANY firearm they choose. Up to and including full auto and suppressed.
Destructive devices should still be regulated and require registration but that would be it.
What we definitely need and should be concentrating on is MENTAL HEALTH and CRIME PUNISHMENT!
When there are no real consequences for committing crimes, what incentive is there for following the laws?
Kill someone and get 10-15yrs in a country club with bars....Get an education while in there or tie up the courts system with frivolous lawsuits and appeals.End up getting out in 3yrs with good behaviour and time served. If you are a juvenile when you commit the crime you can get off even easier. Victims of crimes seem to have less rights then the criminals these days. END RANT......For now!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Denied again by Social Security...If I was some scumbag drug addict, who claims they are depressed because mommy didn't breast feed them enough or daddy didn't bounce them on his knee enough I would have been approved already.
But NO I just suffer EVERY FRIGGIN DAY IN DEBILITATING PAIN, have issues with certain cognitive abilities, and word finding problems with speech, But NO I am not disabled!
Bunch of friggin bureaucrats with their heads up their ASSES!
I have NO idea what to do now....I can't work....But we can't survive one income.

Enough is Enough!

Well here we go, This is the inaugural post of my new blog.
This will be where I post my rants about politics, corruption, the continual degradation of our constitutional rights,ETC.

I am really sick and tired of hearing how 3rd party candidates and independent candidates are the scourge of politics and can never be taken seriously.
You folks are aware that the US was never intended to have political parties, and that they are considered by many to be the leading cause of political corruption.
You get the "nod" from the parties by making the right promises and then you are expected to make good on the promises. They are nothing more than old boys clubs and who you know and what you're going to do for them,is more important than what you're going to do for the public.
Tax breaks,deregulation, carte blanch regulatory power, government contracts, these are the way political offices are won today.
All you need is powerful friends and a big bank account, you too can be president!

We the People are guilty also. We keep voting for these scumbags! They lie to us and we vote for them anyways, because the other guy will never get in anyway, Right?
Well if we keep voting for corrupt,career politicians who get the "nod" from other corrupt career politicians we deserve what we get.
We have other options yet we turn our back on them, to vote for the "lesser of two evils". I hate that phrase, it's like saying would you rather be shot or stabbed to death.....Uhh,  NEITHER!
We are doomed to become a socialist form of government, with no rights or protection from government unless WE stand up and in a collective voice say ENOUGH is ENOUGH! We want real change, We want our rights, We want the power returned to US.
The time is now, the choice is yours.....Another 4 years of lies and broken promises..or a real person who will put the power back in our hands!