Thursday, June 12, 2014

Let's talk about technology....
It's everywhere, all around us everyday,all day. When I was in my teens the latest greatest thing was pagers or "beepers".
Now people don't know how to live without there smartphone, so they can tweet,blog, or share on Facebook,Pinterest,Tumbler or Myspace.
We have children sitting less then ten feet from each other texting each other instead of speaking.
Relatives don't speak to each other they e-mail or text or facebook.

You seem them on the street all the time, Walking with their heads down staring at their phones texting as the walk. They are oblivious to their surroundings. We as a society have become slaves to the electronic era.

We share our location,our relationships, our meals and our every thought with the world without even a thought about who will end up seeing it.
You think this info only goes to your friends list but what about their friends list? What about hackers? It is so easy to "hack" a Facebook page that my 11yo daughter can do it!

Speaking of technology and children...
More and more children are being diagnosed with anxiety, ADHD, and ADD these days than I can count. I theorize that the cause of this is technology.
Children spend entirely too much time on the internet, in front of television, or playing video games and not enough time playing outside.
They are desensitized at an early age to things like sex, violence and governmental censorship.
Then we dope them up on Ritalin and Adderall turning them in to zombies or worse, they become homicidal or suicidal.
Childhood obesity is rampant.

The more technologically advanced we become the more we become dependent upon it, and that furthers our enslavement.
We need to unplug, put the cell phone down, get off of the internet.
You will survive without it I promise! Get outside with your children.
Go for a walk and talk to them.....
Just my $0.02

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl hero or traitor?

Sgt. Bergdahl, Everyone seems to have an opinion about him and his ordeal.
Well here is my $0.02.....I DON'T CARE!
I don't give a shit if he was a deserter or a genuine POW, It is simple "No one gets left behind!"
If he is a deserter, than Court Martial him under the UCMJ and sentence him.
If he was captured and held as a POW than we deal with that.

Here is my issues 1) Our POTUS seems to think he is above the law and can do what ever he wants, whenever he wants.
And 2) Sgt.Bergdahl has been "captive" for 5yrs and barely speaks english.
We have NO idea what kind of brainwashing or programming this man endured for those 5yrs. We have no idea what kind of threat he poses to the USA. For that matter how about the 5 terrorists that we traded for him, How long till they seek revenge for the unscheduled vacation they received courtesy of the US government?

The fact remains, Bowe is a US soldier and is innocent until proven guilty,
And we don't leave soldiers behind!
Let's not convict the man before we know the facts, Even his comments in the alleged emails could have been taken out of context, We do not know.
Just a little sick of hearing from armchair warriors and street lawyers about what they would do, or would have done.
End Rant. Comments? Criticism? rude remarks?